Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Authority
Chalimbana Local Government Training Institute

Name of Learning ProgrammeDiploma in Local Government Administration
ZQF Level6

Start: January

Exams: December

CalendarSystem: Term

Application Deadline: Until January

Fees: More information under “Payments

Contact: For more information contact Mr Tembo +260 977759724

1. Rationale

The current trends towards decentralization and the need for good governance have pointed to a need for relevant knowledge, skills and appropriate attitude necessary to address the specific needs for Local Government.

Training needs assessment has revealed that the administration courses currently run in the country do not provide the appropriate capacity to interpret Local Government Law, fully understand the committee system of councils and the councilor-officer partnership.

This course is therefore tailored to equip trainees with such skills, knowledge and attitudes to enable them adequately and effectively interpret Local Government statutes, service councils and their committees, and partner with councilors for development.

The programme will therefore, provide the nation with qualified Administrative Officers who will apply the skills acquired through this programme and other related disciplines to meet the highlighted demands in both the formal and informal sectors of the economy.

2. Programme Purpose

The purpose of this programme is to provide the nation with skilled human resources who are able to carry out administrative and management functions of local authorities for good governance and effective provision of quality service.

3. Programme Objectives

On completion of the course, the trainee will be able to:

1. Interpret the Local Government Act and other relevant statutes

2. Supervise the day to day administrative activities of the council

3. Identify research areas related to functions of the Council

4. Apply fundamental concepts of Economics

5. Apply financial practices

6. Apply computers skills in local administration

7. Formulate policy interventions for local development

4. Duration

Three (3) years with a total of 3324 notional learning hours inclusive of 3 months industrial attachment (480 hours).

5. Course Outline

First Year

Course CodeCourse NameHours
254 -01-ALocal Government Administration301
254 -02-ALocal Government Finance281
254 -03-ACommunication Skills80
254 -04-ALocal Government Law261
208-05-AComputer Application80

Second Year

Course CodeCourse NameHours
254-06-BConstitutional and Administrative Law211
254-07-BComparative Local Government Administration211
254-08-BOrganizational Behaviour211
254-09-BCentral Government Administration158
Attachment (one month)160

Third Year

Course CodeCourse NameHours
Attachment (two months)320
254–11-CResearch Methods211
254–12-CHuman Resource Management211
254–13-CPublic Policy235
254–14-CDevelopment Administration168

6. Learning and Teaching Strategies

Learning shall constitute theory lessons, field trips, case studies, projects and practical training.

7. Entry Requirements

Direct Entry
Grade Twelve School certificate with at least credits or better in five subjects, which must include Mathematics and English Language.

Mature Age Entry
Grade Twelve Certificate with at least two credits or better in English language and Mathematics plus two years work experience in relevant field with recommendation letter from employer or has a Certificate in Local Government Administration.

8. Assessment

The break down for assessment shall be as follows:

9. Attendance

The candidate must have an attendance of at least 85% to be eligible to sit for the final examinations.

10. Progression Requirements

A candidate who fails in more than three (3) modules shall be excluded from the programme.

A candidate who fails in three (3) modules or less shall be deemed a referred candidate and shall have an opportunity to clear the failed modules.

11. Certification

A Diploma in Local Government Administration shall be awarded to successful candidates by Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA).